Key Features
New edition of the leading UK textbook Offers a practical, easy-to-use clinical guide
Layout presents techniques accessibly Line drawings enhance the text
Many improvements incorporated into this edition
Author Information
By R. J. Andlaw, University of Bristol Dental School and W. P. Rock, University of Birmingham Dental School
PART 1 the CHILD PATIENT: the First Appointment. Techniques of Behaviour Management. PART 2 TREATMENT of DENTAL CARIES. PREVENTIVE METHODS: Dental Health Education. Fluorides. Pit and Fissure Sealants. PART 3 TREATMENT of DENTAL CARIES. OPERATIVE METHODS: Local Analgesia. Isolation of Teeth. Treatment of Carious Primary Teeth. Pulp Treatment of Primary Teeth. Treatment of Carious Permanent Teeth. PART 4 TREATMENT of ABNORMALITIES of the PRIMARY and MIXED DENTITIONS: Normal Development of Occlusion. Abnormalities of Tooth Eruption. Abnormalities of Tooth Structure. Abnormalities of Tooth Form. Abnormalities of Tooth Number. Intrinsic Staining of the Teeth. Premature Loss of Primary Teeth. Crowding of Erupting Permanent Incisors /Crossbites. Proclined Maxillary Permanent Incisors. Persistent Digit Sucking. Permanent First Molars with Poor Long-Term Prognosis. Tooth Wear and Erosion. PART 5 TREATMENT of PERIODONTAL DISEASE and COMMON ORAL SOFT TISSUE LESIONS: Periodontal Disease. Viral, Bacterial and Mycotic Infections of the Mouth. Miscellaneous Soft Tissue Lesions. PART 6 TREATMENT of TRAUMATIC INJURIES to TEETH: Prevention of Trauma to Teeth. Assessment and Immediate Treatment of Traumatised Anterior Permanent Teeth. Intermediate and Final Treatment of Traumatised Anterior Permanent Teeth. Trauma to Primary Teeth. Non-Accidental Injuries to Children.. APPENDIX 1: Bur Numbering Systems. APPENDIX 2: Antibiotic Prophylaxis of Infective Endocarditis Before Tooth Extraction, Scaling or Periodontal Surgery.