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Bontrager’s Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy: First South-East Asia Edition, 1st Edition

Author :
By John Lampignano, MEd, RT(R) (CT) and Leslie E. Kendrick, MS, RT(R)(CT)(MR)
This pocket-sized Handbook for Lampignano and Kendrick’s text has it all: new radiographic images, revised critiques, and more. Bontrager’s Handbook of Radiographic Positioning and Techniques, First South-East Asia Edition provides bulleted instr ...view more

This pocket-sized Handbook for Lampignano and Kendrick’s text has it all: new radiographic images, revised critiques, and more. Bontrager’s Handbook of Radiographic Positioning and Techniques, First South-East Asia Edition provides bulleted instructions, along with photos of properly positioned patients, to help you safely and confidently position for the most-commonly requested radiographic studies. Suggested techniques and critique points offer a quick reference for evaluating your own radiographs, making it an invaluable tool for learning radiographic positioning in clinical settings.

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This pocket-sized Handbook for Lampignano and Kendrick’s text has it all: new radiographic images, revised critiques, and more. Bontrager’s Handbook of Radiographic Positioning and Techniques, First South-East Asia Edition provides bulleted instructions, along with photos of properly positioned patients, to help you safely and confidently position for the most-commonly requested radiographic studies. Suggested techniques and critique points offer a quick reference for evaluating your own radiographs, making it an invaluable tool for learning radiographic positioning in clinical settings.

Key Features
  • Positioning chapters organized with one projection per page to present a snapshot of information in an easily accessible and portable format.
  • Unique page layout — positioning photos and radiographic images are presented on the same page with the text explanation of each procedure — to show you how the patient should be positioned and what the image should look like.
  • Page number references for the text are included at the bottom of each positioning page so you can easily refer to the text for greater detail and explanation concerning a particular position.
  • 217 projections/positions and 4 conversion charts provide the essential information needed for quick reference.
  • Positioning presentations include positioning instructions, as well as:
    • Collimation guidelines for each projection.
    • Suggested starting exposure factors, including kVp, mAs, SID (source-image receptor distance), type and speed of film and screens, use of grids, and large or small focal spot.
    • Suggested AEC (automatic exposure control) pick-up cell location when photo-timed equipment can be used.
    • Space for writing in exposure factors (techniques) for specific equipment being used.

This quick review of information before beginning a procedure helps assure you that the exam is being correctly performed with the least possible patient dose.

  • Appendices offer additional quick-reference information on patient dose, abbreviations and acronyms, and various conversion charts, enabling you to locate important information quickly.

Author Information
By John Lampignano, MEd, RT(R) (CT), Retired Director Gateway Community College Phoenix, Arizona Visiting Professor Boise State University Boise, Idaho and Leslie E. Kendrick, MS, RT(R)(CT)(MR), Associate Professor, Program Director, Chair Department of Radiologic Sciences School of Allied Health Sciences College of Health Sciences Boise State University Boise, Idaho