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Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice Elsevier eBook on VitalSouce, 5th Edition

Author :
By David H. Chestnut, MD, Cynthia A. Wong, MD, Lawrence C. Tsen, MD, Warwick D Ngan Kee, MD, Yaakov Beilin, MD and Jill M. Mhyre, MD
PREVIOUS EDITION -ISBN : 9780323295185
Approx.1310 pages
Publication Date :
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Approx.1310 pages

New to this edition
  • Stay current on the latest advancements and developments with sweeping updates and new chapters on topics such as patient safety and team approach, transthoracic echocardiography and noninvasive measurement of cardiac output in obstetric patients, psychiatric disorders during pregnancy, neurologic injuries, and more.
  • Prevent and plan for potential complications associated with the advancing age of pregnant women. An extensive, state-of-the art discussion of "critical care of obstetric patients" equips you to address any special considerations for this increasing segment.
  • Know exactly how to proceed. An abundance of tables and boxes illustrate the step-by-step management of a full range of clinical scenarios.
  • Choose the best drugs available while adhering to the most recent guidelines for obstetric anesthesia.

Key Features
Approx.1310 pages

Author Information
By David H. Chestnut, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; Cynthia A. Wong, MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Anesthesia, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa; Lawrence C. Tsen, MD, Associate Professor of Anaesthesia Harvard Medical School; Director of Anesthesia, Center for Reproductive Medicine Associate Director, Center for Professionalism and Peer Support Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, Massachusetts; Warwick D Ngan Kee, MD, Director of Obstetric Anaesthesia, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Yaakov Beilin, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology and Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Science, Vice Chair for Quality, Department of Anesthesiology Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Jill M. Mhyre, MD, The Dola S Thompson Professor, Director of Obstetric Anesthesia, Vice-Chair for Research, Department of Anesthesiology The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences