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Child, Youth and Family Nursing in the Community, 1st Edition

Author :
By Margaret Barnes, PhD, RM, RN and Jennifer Rowe, PhD, MPhil, Grad Dip Ed (Nurs), BA, Dip Ed, RN
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. This title aims to: situate child and family health and nursing within the environmental, social, economic, and political contexts; Acknowledge diversit ...view more
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. This title aims to: situate child and family health and nursing within the environmental, social, economic, and political contexts; Acknowledge diversity and difference as they influence child and family health and health care; critically analyse contemporary approaches to child and family health promotion; provide a practice development framework for improving effectiveness in child, youth and family nursing; and provide evaluative tools for assessing health-promoting programs. It is structured in sections and takes a critical inquiry approach to encourage and facilitate analysis and critique of policy, practice and evidence. It is client-focused, change-focused and works from practice outward to consider education, service planning, leadership and strategy as they affect practice.
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This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. This title aims to: situate child and family health and nursing within the environmental, social, economic, and political contexts; Acknowledge diversity and difference as they influence child and family health and health care; critically analyse contemporary approaches to child and family health promotion; provide a practice development framework for improving effectiveness in child, youth and family nursing; and provide evaluative tools for assessing health-promoting programs. It is structured in sections and takes a critical inquiry approach to encourage and facilitate analysis and critique of policy, practice and evidence. It is client-focused, change-focused and works from practice outward to consider education, service planning, leadership and strategy as they affect practice.

Key Features
  • Case studies, exemplars and clinical vignettes are used to demonstrate application of theoretical concepts to practice, and to engage students and teachers.
  • Interviews with practitioners are included as well as ‘practice highlights' and ‘critical question and reflection' boxes to reflect the multidisciplinary collaborative nature of child, youth, family, and work.
  • Chapter Conclusions are followed by Key Points for reinforcement.
  • Useful Online Resources and comprehensive References are provided.

Author Information
By Margaret Barnes, PhD, RM, RN, Associate Professor, and Head, School of Nursing and Midwifery, at the University of the Sunshine Coast, QLD and Jennifer Rowe, PhD, MPhil, Grad Dip Ed (Nurs), BA, Dip Ed, RN, Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery and Associate Dean, Faculty of Science, Health, Education and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, QLD