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Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of Exotic Species E-Book, 1st Edition

Author :
By Bairbre O'Malley, MvB, MRCVS
The eBook version of this title gives you access to the complete book content electronically*. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes ...view more

The eBook version of this title gives you access to the complete book content electronically*. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes your learning experience even better: all of the eBooks will work together on your electronic "bookshelf", so that you can search across your entire library of Veterinary Medicine eBooks.

*Please note that this version is the eBook only and does not include the printed textbook. Alternatively, you can buy the Text and Evolve eBooks Package (which gives you the printed book plus the eBook). Please scroll down to our Related Titles section to find this title.

Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of Exotic Species bridges the gap between the clinical application of the anatomy and physiology of commonly-encountered exotic species and veterinary treatment. The first in-depth textbook of its kind, this resource deals solely with the comparative anatomy and physiology of exotic species — small mammals, reptiles, and birds. For these commonly encountered species, it highlights clinical considerations for veterinary treatment. The book is heavily illustrated with clear line diagrams, radiographs, and color illustrations, explaining clearly the functioning of exotic species.

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The eBook version of this title gives you access to the complete book content electronically*. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes your learning experience even better: all of the eBooks will work together on your electronic "bookshelf", so that you can search across your entire library of Veterinary Medicine eBooks.

*Please note that this version is the eBook only and does not include the printed textbook. Alternatively, you can buy the Text and Evolve eBooks Package (which gives you the printed book plus the eBook). Please scroll down to our Related Titles section to find this title.

Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of Exotic Species bridges the gap between the clinical application of the anatomy and physiology of commonly-encountered exotic species and veterinary treatment. The first in-depth textbook of its kind, this resource deals solely with the comparative anatomy and physiology of exotic species — small mammals, reptiles, and birds. For these commonly encountered species, it highlights clinical considerations for veterinary treatment. The book is heavily illustrated with clear line diagrams, radiographs, and color illustrations, explaining clearly the functioning of exotic species.

Key Features
  • The first textbook to provide comprehensive coverage of the comparative anatomy and physiology of exotic species.
  • Written specifically to give the veterinary practitioner a better understanding of the functioning of exotic species.
  • Profusely illustrated with clear line diagrams, radiographs, and color plates.

Author Information
By Bairbre O'Malley, MvB, MRCVS, Lecturer in Exotic Medicine/Surgery, University College, Dublin, Ireland.