By Mariann M. Harding, PhD, RN, CNE, FAADN and Debra Hagler, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CNE, CHSE, ANEF, FAAN
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Nursing Process**Plan effective patient care using standardized interprofessional clinical problems and a concept-based approach! Conceptual Nursing Care Planning shows you how to identify clinica
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**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Nursing Process**
Plan effective patient care using standardized interprofessional clinical problems and a concept-based approach! Conceptual Nursing Care Planning shows you how to identify clinical problems, determine expected outcomes, and choose interventions — all grounded in a logical, concept-based framework. The focus on concepts gives you the big picture, helping you recognize similarities in nursing care based on physiologic concepts, as well as differences based on the needs of individuals. Written by noted nursing educators Mariann Harding and Debra Hagler, this new book demonstrates how the use of a concept-based approach and standardized clinical problems language makes it easier to plan effective care and to communicate with other members of the interprofessional team.
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Nursing Process**
Plan effective patient care using standardized interprofessional clinical problems and a concept-based approach! Conceptual Nursing Care Planning shows you how to identify clinical problems, determine expected outcomes, and choose interventions — all grounded in a logical, concept-based framework. The focus on concepts gives you the big picture, helping you recognize similarities in nursing care based on physiologic concepts, as well as differences based on the needs of individuals. Written by noted nursing educators Mariann Harding and Debra Hagler, this new book demonstrates how the use of a concept-based approach and standardized clinical problems languagemakes it easier to plan effective care and to communicate with other members of the interprofessional team.
Key Features
73 conceptual nursing care plans arebased on Giddens concepts.
Logical format for conceptual nursing care plans includes a definition of the concept, clinical problems, common causes, manifestations, outcomes, interventions, related concepts, and related clinical problems.
Guidance for prioritized care planning organizes interventions in an assess-intervene-teach format, to help identify the most important priority interventions for patients.
Use of standardized nursing language conveys concepts and clinical problems in easily understandable language that is commonly used in clinical settings, organizing care plans around terminology recognized by the American Nurses Association and easily understood by other healthcare professionals.
UNIQUE! Wide-ranging approach covers concepts that are not addressed in other texts, such as health disparities, risk in pregnancy, impaired immunity, substance use, sensory deficits, continuity of care, and the dying process.
Introductionopens the book by explaining the components of a conceptual nursing care plan and how to use the book to create patient-centered nursing care plans.
Conceptual Care Map Creator on the Evolve website helps document care planning projects and clinical assignments.
Expert authors Mariann Harding and Debra Hagler are nursing thought leaders and editors of the bestselling Lewis’s Medical Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems.
Author Information
By Mariann M. Harding, PhD, RN, CNE, FAADN, Nursing Program Director and Professor of Nursing, Kent State University Tuscarawas, USA and Debra Hagler, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CNE, CHSE, ANEF, FAAN, Clinical Professor, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University, USA
By Mariann M. Harding, PhD, RN, CNE, FAADN, Nursing Program Director and Professor of Nursing, Kent State University Tuscarawas, USA and Debra Hagler, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CNE, CHSE, ANEF, FAAN, Clinical Professor, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University, USA
Introduction: Introduction to Conceptual Care Planning SECTION 1 Concepts and Clinical Problems Attributes and Resources 1. Development Impaired Growth and Development 2. Functional Ability Fatigue Impaired Role Performance Personal Care Problem 3. Family Dynamics Parenting Problem Impaired Family Function Personal Preferences 4. Culture Cultural Belief Conflict Impaired Socialization 5. Spirituality Spiritual Problem 6. Adherence Decisional Conflict Nonadherence 7. Self-Management Health Maintenance Alteration Homeostasis and Regulation 8. Fluid and Electrolytes Electrolyte Imbalance Fluid Imbalance 9. Acid-Base Balance Acid-Base Imbalance 10. Thermoregulation Altered Temperature 11. Sleep Impaired Sleep 12. Gas Exchange Impaired Respiratory Function 13. Intracranial Regulation Increased Intracranial Pressure Neurologic Problem 14. Hormonal Regulation Impaired Endocrine Function 15. Glucose Regulation Altered Blood Glucose Level 16. Nutrition Body Weight Problem Impaired Gastrointestinal Function Infant Feeding Problem Nutritionally Compromised 17. Elimination Impaired Bowel Elimination Impaired Urinary Elimination 18. Perfusion Impaired Cardiac Function Impaired Tissue Perfusion Altered Blood Pressure Sexuality and Reproduction 19. Reproduction Impaired Fertility Risk for Perinatal Problems 20. Sexuality Impaired Sexual Function Negative Self-Image Protection and Movement 21. Immunity Allergy Impaired Immunity 22. Inflammation Inflammation 23. Infection Risk for Infection Infection 24. Mobility Activity Intolerance Musculoskeletal Problem 25. Tissue Integrity Impaired Tissue Integrity Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity 26. Sensory Perception Sensory Deficit 27. Pain Pain Mood and Cognition 28. Grief Grief 29. Psychosis Impaired Psychologic Status 30. Stress and Coping Difficulty Coping 31. Mood and Affect Depressed Mood Emotional Problem 32. Anxiety Anxiety 33. Cognition Impaired Cognition Maladaptive Behavior 34. Addiction Substance Use 35. Interpersonal Violence Victim of Violence Violence Behavior Attributes 36. Health Promotion Risk for Disease 37. Patient Education Deficient Knowledge Literacy Problem Care Competencies 38. Communication Impaired Communication 39. Safety Risk of Environmental Injury Health Care Associated Complication Risk for Injury Health Care Delivery 40. Care Coordination Continuity of Care Problem 41. Caregiving Caregiver Role Strain 42. Palliative Care Dying Process 43. Health Disparities Socioeconomic Difficulty 44. Community Health Inadequate Community Resources SECTION 2 Exemplars with Common Clinical Problems Nursing Care Planning & Midwifery/Specialist Nursing/eBooks/eBooks/Nursing & Midwifery/Specialist Nursing/Students/Fundamental nursing skills505457243887245054665580355058181831488653650545714182692579989258035335818172<p>**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Nursing Process**<BR><BR>Plan effective patient care using standardized interprofessional clinical problems and a concept-based approach! <b>Conceptual Nursing Care Planning </b>shows you how to identify clinical problems, determine expected outcomes, and choose interventions — all grounded in a logical, concept-based framework. The focus on concepts gives you the big picture, helping you recognize similarities in nursing care based on physiologic concepts, as well as differences based on the needs of individuals. Written by noted nursing educators Mariann Harding and Debra Hagler, this new book demonstrates how the use of a concept-based approach and standardized clinical problems language<b> </b>makes it easier to plan effective care and to communicate with other members of the interprofessional team.</p> <p>**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Nursing Process**<BR><BR>Plan effective patient care using standardized interprofessional clinical problems and a concept-based approach! <b>Conceptual Nursing Care Planning </b>shows you how to identify clinical problems, determine expected outcomes, and choose interventions — all grounded in a logical, concept-based framework. The focus on concepts gives you the big picture, helping you recognize similarities in nursing care based on physiologic concepts, as well as differences based on the needs of individuals. Written by noted nursing educators Mariann Harding and Debra Hagler, this new book demonstrates how the use of a concept-based approach and standardized clinical problems language<b> </b>makes it easier to plan effective care and to communicate with other members of the interprofessional team.</p>00add-to-cart97803238259932021ProfessionalBy Mariann M. Harding, PhD, RN, CNE, FAADN and Debra Hagler, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CNE, CHSE, ANEF, FAAN20221E-Book216w x 276h (8.50" x 10.875")Elsevier382Jan 19, 2021IN STOCKBy <STRONG>Mariann M. Harding</STRONG>, PhD, RN, CNE, FAADN, Nursing Program Director and Professor of Nursing, Kent State University Tuscarawas, USA and <STRONG>Debra Hagler</STRONG>, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CNE, CHSE, ANEF, FAAN, Clinical Professor, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University, USAeBooksE-BookUnited StatesYesYesNoNoPlease SelectPlease SelectPlease Select