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- NEW!
Insights From The Field includes short interviews with insurance billing specialists who have experience in the field, providing a snapshot of their career paths and offering advice to the new student.
- NEW! Scenario boxes help you apply concepts to real-world situations.
- NEW! Quick Review sections summarize chapter content and also include review questions.
- NEW! Discussion Points provide the opportunity for students and instructors to participate in interesting and open dialogues related to the chapter’s content.
- NEW! Expanded Health Care Facility Billing chapters are revised to provide the latest information impacting the insurance billing specialist working in a variety of healthcare facility settings.
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Edited by Linda M. Smith, CPC, CPC-1, CEMC, CMBS, Training and Consulting, MedOffice Resources, Greene, NY, USA
UNIT 1 Career Role and Responsibilities
1 Role of an Insurance Billing Specialist
2 Privacy, Security, and HIPAA
3 Compliance, Fraud, and Abuse
UNIT 2 Introduction to Health Insurance
4 Basics of Health Insurance
5 The Blue Plans, Private Insurance, and Managed Care Plans
6 Medicare
7 Medicaid and Other State Programs
8 TRICARE and Veterans’ Health Care
9 Workers’ Compensation
10 Disability Income Insurance and Disability Benefit Programs
UNIT 3 Documentation and Coding for Professional Services
11 Medical Documentation and the Electronic Health Record
12 Diagnostic Coding
13 Procedural Coding
UNIT 4 Claims Submission in the Medical Office
14 The Paper Claim CMS-1500
15 The Electronic Claim
UNIT 5 The Claim Follow-Up and Payment Process
16 Receiving Payments and Insurance Problem Solving
17 Collection Strategies
UNIT 6 Health Care Facility Billing
18 Introduction to Health Care Facilities and Ambulatory Surgery Centers
19 Billing for Health Care Facilities
UNIT 7 Employment
20 Seeking a Job and Attaining Professional Advancement