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Herbs and Natural Supplements, 2-Volume set, 4th Edition

Author :
By Lesley Braun, PhD, BPharm, DipAppSciNat and Marc Cohen, MBBS(Hons), PhD, BMedSc(Hons), FAMAC, FICAE
Herbs and Natural Supplements, 4th Edition: An evidence-based guide is an authoritative, evidence-based reference. This two volume resource is essential to the safe and effective use of herbal, nutritional and food supplements. Volume 1: The first ...view more

Herbs and Natural Supplements, 4th Edition: An evidence-based guide is an authoritative, evidence-based reference. This two volume resource is essential to the safe and effective use of herbal, nutritional and food supplements.

Volume 1:

The first volume provides a foundation of knowledge in the clinical practice of complementary medicine.

It emphasises safe practice with strategies to prevent adverse drug reactions, guidelines in assessing benefit, risk and harm and the evaluation of research.

Volume 2:

The second volume provides current, evidence-based monographs on the 132 most popular herbs, nutrients and food supplements.

Publication Date :
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Herbs and Natural Supplements, 4th Edition: An evidence-based guide is an authoritative, evidence-based reference. This two volume resource is essential to the safe and effective use of herbal, nutritional and food supplements.

Volume 1:

The first volume provides a foundation of knowledge in the clinical practice of complementary medicine.

It emphasises safe practice with strategies to prevent adverse drug reactions, guidelines in assessing benefit, risk and harm and the evaluation of research.

Volume 2:

The second volume provides current, evidence-based monographs on the 132 most popular herbs, nutrients and food supplements.

New to this edition
Provides up-to-date evidence on the latest research impacting on herbal and natural medicine by top leaders within the fields of Pharmacy, Herbal Medicine and Natural Medicine.

Key Features
  • Comprehensive review of herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, aromatherapy, and food as medicine
  • Patient safety and wellness
  • Considerations in preoperative care and pregnancy
  • Use in the treatment of cancer
  • Herb/nutrient - drug interactions

  • Author Information
    By Lesley Braun, PhD, BPharm, DipAppSciNat, Associate Professor of Integrative Medicine (Hon) National institute of Complementary Medicine, University of Western Sydney, NSW, Australia Senior Research Fellow (Hon), Monash/Alfred Psychiatric Research Centre, VIC, Australia and Marc Cohen, MBBS(Hons), PhD, BMedSc(Hons), FAMAC, FICAE, Professor at School of Health Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne