Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professions Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 4th Edition
With coverage of both legal and ethical issues, this text gives you the foundation to handle common health care challenges in everyday practice. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professions, 4th Edition includes practice cases specifically developed for key allied health programs along with enhanced pedagogical content. Additionally, it features a variety of exercises to help reinforce content from the book, as well as updated coverage of medical records, privacy, patient consent and abuse, the impact of interprofessional team work, and key industry trends.
With coverage of both legal and ethical issues, this text gives you the foundation to handle common health care challenges in everyday practice. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professions, 4th Edition includes practice cases specifically developed for key allied health programs along with enhanced pedagogical content. Additionally, it features a variety of exercises to help reinforce content from the book, as well as updated coverage of medical records, privacy, patient consent and abuse, the impact of interprofessional team work, and key industry trends.
New to this edition
- NEW! Two all new chapters covering Medical Records and Key Trends in Healthcare.
- NEW! Enhanced coverage of patient consent and abuse outlines what students need to know about what’s right and wrong when working with patients.
- NEW! Updated case studies discuss the issues faced in a variety of healthcare settings.
Key Features
- Detailed coverage of current legal and ethical issues and case law help facilitate interesting and relevant discussions.
- What If? boxes present ethical dilemmas and help you apply concepts from the book to real-life examples.
- Specialty practice cases provide practical application for specialties (Medical Assisting, MIBC, Pharm Tech, etc.) and help you relate your experience with practice.
- Increased coverage of the impact of interprofessional teamwork demonstrates the impact ethics have on health care work.
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