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Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition

Author :
By Adrianne Dill Linton, BSN, MN, PhD, RN, FAAN and Mary Ann Matteson, PhD, RN, FAAN
Provide quality nursing care for adults with medical-surgical and psychiatric disorders! Building upon the fundamentals of nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition helps you master the role and responsibilities of the LPN/LVN in medical-surgica ...view more

Provide quality nursing care for adults with medical-surgical and psychiatric disorders! Building upon the fundamentals of nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition helps you master the role and responsibilities of the LPN/LVN in medical-surgical care. The text addresses the special problems of older adult patients, then covers each major disorder by body system, presenting patient problems, goals, outcome criteria, and nursing interventions. As LPN/LVNs do not formulate NANDA diagnoses, the book is organized by patient problems rather than NANDA nursing diagnoses. Written by noted educators Adrianne Dill Linton and Mary Ann Matteson, this text helps you build the clinical judgment skills you need to succeed on the Next-Generation NCLEX-PN® examination and in nursing practice.

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Provide quality nursing care for adults with medical-surgical and psychiatric disorders! Building upon the fundamentals of nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition helps you master the role and responsibilities of the LPN/LVN in medical-surgical care. The text addresses the special problems of older adult patients, then covers each major disorder by body system, presenting patient problems, goals, outcome criteria, and nursing interventions. As LPN/LVNs do not formulate NANDA diagnoses, the book is organized by patient problems rather than NANDA nursing diagnoses. Written by noted educators Adrianne Dill Linton and Mary Ann Matteson, this text helps you build the clinical judgment skills you need to succeed on the Next-Generation NCLEX-PN® examination and in nursing practice.

New to this edition
  • NEW! Next-Generation NCLEX® case studies and new-format questions help you prepare for the licensure examination.
  • NEW! Discussion of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model helps in developing the decision-making skills needed to plan effective nursing interventions.
  • NEW! Content on disorders is thoroughly updated, including infection control and pandemic responses.

Key Features
  • UNIQUE! Older Adult Patient unit covers the special problems and disorders — such as falls, dementia, and incontinence — that are common to gerontologic patients, as this is the primary patient group for whom LPN/LVNs provide care.
  • UNIQUE! In-depth pharmacology coverage includes Pharmacology Capsule boxes highlighting critical information for common drugs, Pharmacology and Medications tables including classification, use/action, side/adverse effects, and nursing interventions, and a Pharmacology Tutorial on the Evolve website covering drug classifications, how drugs work, and nursing responsibilities.
  • Nursing care plans illustrate the application of content to the nursing process in realistic scenarios, with critical thinking questions to encourage thoughtful analysis of patient needs and nursing care.
  • For each body system, an introductory chapter provides a refresher review of anatomy and physiology; to minimize repetition in subsequent chapters, relevant diagnostic tests and procedures are described; and common classifications of the drugs used to manage system disorders are introduced.
  • Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! section at the end of each chapter covers key points and includes review questions and critical thinking questions to help you prepare for class tests and the NCLEX-PN examination.
  • Put on Your Thinking Cap boxes ask you to analyze and apply concepts to clinical situations.
  • Patient Teaching boxes provide nursing instructions, stressing the role and responsibility of the LPN/LVN in patient education.
  • Health Promotion Considerations boxes highlight timely wellness and disease prevention topics.
  • Nutrition Considerations boxes emphasize the role nutrition plays in disease and holistic nursing care.
  • Complementary and Alternative Therapies boxes break down nontraditional therapies along with precautions and possible side effects.
  • Coordinated Care boxes highlight the team approach to patient care, helping nurses prioritize tasks and assign them safely to assistive personnel.
  • Cultural Considerations boxes promote understanding of the needs of culturally diverse patients when planning nursing care.
  • Key terms include phonetic pronunciations and make learning easier with terms listed at the beginning of each chapter, shown in color at first mention in the text, and defined in the glossary.

Author Information
By Adrianne Dill Linton, BSN, MN, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Department of Family and Community Health at the University of Texas San Antonio School of Nursing. and Mary Ann Matteson, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Department of Family Nursing at the University of Texas San Antonio School of Nursing