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Medicine: A Competency-Based Companion E-Book, 1st Edition

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By Jessica Israel, MD and Allan R Tunkel, MD, PhD, MACP
Complete, yet concise, Medicine: A Competency-Based Companion provides the core information you need to think like an experienced clinician during your medical rotation. This handy, pocket-sized medical reference book hones in on the must-know d ...view more

Complete, yet concise, Medicine: A Competency-Based Companion provides the core information you need to think like an experienced clinician during your medical rotation. This handy, pocket-sized medical reference book hones in on the must-know differential diagnoses of the common medical presentations and guides you through the most up-to-date and effective approaches to treatment, equipping you to excel.

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Complete, yet concise, Medicine: A Competency-Based Companion provides the core information you need to think like an experienced clinician during your medical rotation. This handy, pocket-sized medical reference book hones in on the must-know differential diagnoses of the common medical presentations and guides you through the most up-to-date and effective approaches to treatment, equipping you to excel.

Key Features
  • Take it with you! A portable, pocket-sized format places high-yield core information essential to internal medicine rotations right in your lab coat.
  • Assess your progress with activities to promote retention and application of knowledge, including online access to your own competency-based portfolio tools and competency-specific learning modules (Vertical Reads).
  • Master ACGME Core Competencies to integrate evidence-based medicine, continual self-assessment, and cognizance of interpersonal skills into your daily routine.
  • Understand and assimilate critical concepts more easily with "Speaking Intelligently" and "Clinical Thinking" features in clinical chapters to help you see the "big picture."
  • Quickly access the most common and must-know internal medicine signs/symptoms and disorders, conveniently organized by presentation.
  • Grasp and retain vital information more easily thanks to "Teaching Visuals"—an interactive teaching device designed to reinforce visual concepts.
  • Perform a more in-depth review of internal medicine topics with "Clinical Entities" that are referenced to Andreoli and Carpenter’s Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 8th edition.
  • Access the full contents online at where you'll find the complete text and illustrations, "Integration Links" to bonus content in other Student Consult titles, an interactive community center with a wealth of additional resources, self-assessment competency log, vertical reads and much more!

Author Information
By Jessica Israel, MD, Chief, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, Medical Director, Inpatient Hospice Unit, Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch, New Jersey and Allan R Tunkel, MD, PhD, MACP, Professor of Medicine Associate Dean for Medical Education Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School