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MR Imaging of the Athlete, An Issue of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics, 1st Edition

Author :
By George Koulouris, MBBS, GrCertSPMed, MMed, FRANZCR
Topics include: Overuse and Impingement syndromes of the shoulder; Imaging of shoulder instability; Overuse and traumatic injuries of the elbow; Overuse and Traumatic Injuries of the hand and wrist; Imaging of Groin Pain; Overuse injuries of the hip; ...view more
Topics include: Overuse and Impingement syndromes of the shoulder; Imaging of shoulder instability; Overuse and traumatic injuries of the elbow; Overuse and Traumatic Injuries of the hand and wrist; Imaging of Groin Pain; Overuse injuries of the hip; Traumatic Injuries of the hip; Imaging of knee instability; Overuse injuries of the knee; MRI of meniscal and cartilage injuries of the knee; MRI of muscle injuries; Traumatic injuries and Impingement lesions of the foot and ankle.
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Topics include: Overuse and Impingement syndromes of the shoulder; Imaging of shoulder instability; Overuse and traumatic injuries of the elbow; Overuse and Traumatic Injuries of the hand and wrist; Imaging of Groin Pain; Overuse injuries of the hip; Traumatic Injuries of the hip; Imaging of knee instability; Overuse injuries of the knee; MRI of meniscal and cartilage injuries of the knee; MRI of muscle injuries; Traumatic injuries and Impingement lesions of the foot and ankle.

Author Information
By George Koulouris, MBBS, GrCertSPMed, MMed, FRANZCR, Musculoskeletal Radiologist, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA.