Section I Pituitary and Hypothalamus
- Development of the Pituitary Gland
- Divisions of the Pituitary Gland and Relationship to the Hypothalamus
- Blood Supply of the Pituitary Gland
- Anatomy and Relationships of the Pituitary Gland
- Relationship of the Pituitary Gland to the Cavernous Sinus
- Relationships of the Sella Turcica
- Anterior Pituitary Hormones and Feedback Control
- Posterior Pituitary Gland
- Manifestations of Suprasellar Disease
- Craniopharyngioma
- Effects of Pituitary Tumors on the Visual Apparatus
- Nontumorous Lesions of the Pituitary Gland and Pituitary Stalk
- Pituitary Anterior Lobe Deficiency in Childhood and Adolescence in Boysd
- Pituitary Anterior Lobe Deficiency in Adults
- Selective and Partial Hypopituitarism
- Severe Anterior Pituitary Deficiency or Panhypopituitarism
- Postpartum Pituitary Infarction (Sheehan Syndrome)
- Pituitary Apoplexy
- Pituitary Gigantism
- Acromegaly
- Prolactin-Secreting Pituitary Tumor
- Corticotropin-Secreting Pituitary Tumor
- Nelson Syndrome
- Clinically Nonfunctioning Pituitary Tumor
- Secretion and Action of Oxytocin
- Secretion and Action of Vasopressin
- Central Diabetes Insipidus
- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in Children
- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in Adults
- Tumors Metastatic to the Pituitary
- Surgical Approaches to the Pituitary
Section 2 Thyroid
2-1 Anatomy of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
2-2 Anatomy of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands (cont’d)
2-3 Development of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
2-4 Development of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands (cont’d)
2-5 Congenital Anomalies of the Thyroid Gland
2-6 Effects of Thyrotropin on the Thyroid Gland
2-7 Physiology of Thyroid Hormones
2-8 Graves Disease
2-9 Graves Disease (cont’d)
2-10 Graves Ophthalmopathy
2-11 Thyroid Pathology in Graves Disease
2-12 Clinical Manifestations of Toxic Adenoma and Toxic Multinodular Goiter
2-13 Pathophysiology of Toxic Adenoma and Toxic Multinodular Goiter
2-14 Clinical Manifestations of Hypothyroidism in Adults
2-15 Clinical Manifestations of Hypothyroidism in Adults (cont’d)
2-16 Clinical Manifestations of Hypothyroidism in Adults (cont’d)
2-17 Congenital Hypothyroidism
2-18 Euthyroid Goiter
2-19 Gross Pathology of Goiter
2-20 Etiology of Nontoxic Goiter
2-21 Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis and Fibrous Thyoiditis
2-22 Subacute Thyroiditis
2-23 Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
2-24 Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma
2-25 Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
2-26 Hurthle Cell Thyroid Carcinoma
2-27 Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
2-28 Tumors Metastatic to the Thyroid
Section 3 Adrenal
3-1 Development of the Adrenal Glands
3-2 Anatomy and Blood Supply of the Adrenal Glands
3-3 Anatomy and Blood Supply of the Adrenal Glands (cont’d)
3-4 Innervation of the Adrenal Glands
3-5 Histology of the Adrenal Glands
3-6 Biosynthesis and Metabolism of Adrenal Cortical Hormones
3-7 Biosynthesis and Metabolism of Adrenal Cortical Hormones (cont’d)
3-8 The Biologic Actions of Cortisol
3-9 Cushing Syndrome—Clinical Findings
3-10 Tests Used in the Diagnosis of Cushing Syndrome
3-11 Cushing Syndrome: Pathophysiology
3-12 Cushing Syndrome Caused by Primary Pigmented Nodular Adrenocortical Disease
3-13 Major Blocks in Abnormal Steroidogenesis
3-14 Classic Congenital Adrenal Gyperplasia
3-15 The Biologic Actions of Adrenal Androgens
3-16 Adult Androgenital Syndromes
3-17 The Biologic Actions of Aldosterone
3-18 Primary Aldosteronism
3-19 Adrenal Venous Sampling for Primary Aldosteronism
3-20 Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System and Renovascular Hypertension
3-21 Acute Adrenal Failure—Adrenal Crisis
3-22 Chronic Primary Adrenal Failure—Addison Disease
3-23 Laboratory Findings and Treatment of Primary Adrenal Insufficiency
3-24 Laboratory Findings and Treatment of Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency
3-25 Adrenal Medulla and Catecholamines
3-26 Catecholamine Synthesis, Storage, Secretion, Metabolism, and Inactivation
3-27 Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma
3-28 Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma (cont’d)
3-29 Tumors Metastatic to the Adrenal Glands
Section 4 Reproduction
4-1 Differentiation of Gonads
4-2 Differentiation of Genital Ducts
4-3 Differentiation of External Genitalia
4-4 Testosterone and Estrogen Synthesis
4-5 Normal Puberty
4-6 Normal Puberty (cont’d)
4-7 Normal Puberty (cont’d)
4-8 Normal Puberty (cont’d)
4-9 Precocious Puberty
4-10 Precocious Puberty (cont’d)
4-11 Precocious Puberty (cont’d)
4-12 Disorders of Sex Development
4-13 Disorders of Sex Development (cont’d)
4-14 Disorders of Sex Development (cont’d)
4-15 Disorders of Sex Development (cont’d)
4-16 Errors in Chromosomal Sex
4-17 Klinefelter Syndrome
4-18 Turner Syndrome (Gonadal Dysgenesis)
4-19 Turner Syndrome (Gonadal Dysgenesis) (cont’d)
4-20 Turner Syndrome (Gonadal Dysgenesis) (cont’d)
4-21 Hirsutism and Virilization
4-22 Hirsutism and Virilization (cont’d)
4-23 Influence of Gonadal Hormones on the Female Reproductive Cycle from Birth to Old Age
4-24 Functional and Pathologic Causes of Uterine Bleeding
4-25 Gynecomastia
4-26 Galactorrhea
Section 5 Pancreas
5-1 Pancreas Anatomy and Histology
5-2 Exocrine Functions of the Pancreas
5-3 Normal Histology of Pancreatic Islets
5-4 insulin Secretion
5-5 Actions of Insulin
5-6 Glycolysis
5-7 Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
5-8 Glycogen Metabolism
5-9 Consequences of Insulin Deprivation
5-10 Diabetic Ketoacidosis
5-11 Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
5-12 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
5-13 Diabetic Retinopathy
5-14 Complications of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
5-15 Diabetic Nephropathy
5-16 Diabetic Neuropathy
5-17 Atherosclerosis in Diabetes
5-18 Vascular Insufficiency in Diabetes: The Diabetic Foot
5-19 Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy
5-20 Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
5-21 Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
5-22 Insulinoma
5-23 Primary Pancreatic B-Cell Hyperplasia
Section 6 Bone and Calcium
6-1 Histology of the Normal Parathyroid Glands
6-2 Physiology of the Parathyroid Glands
6-3 Bone Remodeling Unit
6-4 Pathophysiology of Primary Hyperparathyroidism
6-5 Pathology and Clinical Manifestations of Primary Hyperparathyroidism
6-6 Tests for the Differential Diagnosis of the Causes of Hypercalcemia
6-7 Renal Osteodystrophy
6-8 Renal Osteodystrophy: Bony Manifestations
6-9 Histology of the Parathyroid Glands in Hyperparathyroidism
6-10 Pathophysiology of Hypoparathyroidism
6-11 Clinical Manifestations of Acute Hypocalcemia
6-12 Pathophysiology of Pseudohypoparathyroidism
6-13 Clinical Manifestations of Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1a
6-14 Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis
6-15 Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women
6-16 Osteoporosis in Men
6-17 Clinical Manifestations of Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures
6-18 Nutritional-Deficiency Rickets and Osteomalacia
6-19 Pseudovitamin D-Deficiency Rickets and Osteomalacia
6-20 Hypophosphatemic Rickets
6-21 Clinical Manifestations of Rickets in Childhood
6-22 Clinical Manifestations of Osteomalacia in Adults
6-23 Paget Disease of the Bone
6-24 Pathogenesis and Treatment of Paget Disease of the Bone
6-25 Osteogenesis Imperfecta
6-26 Osteogenesis Imperfecta (cont’d)
6-27 Hypophosphatasia
Section 7 Lipids and Nutrition
7-1 Cholesterol Synthesis and Metabolism
7-2 Gastrointestinal Absorption of Cholesterol and Triglycerides
7-3 Regulation of Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor and Cholesterol Content
7-4 High-Density Lipoprotein Metabolism and Reverse Cholesterol Transport
7-5 Hypercholesterolemia
7-6 Hypercholesterolemic Xanthomatosis
7-7 Hypercholesterolemic Xanthomatosis (cont’d)
7-8 Abetalipoproteinemia
7-9 Hypertriglyceridemia
7-10 Clinical Manifestations of Hypertriglyceridemia
7-11 Clinical Manifestations of Hypertriglyceridemia (cont’d)
7-12 Atherosclerosis
7-13 Atherosclerosis (cont’d)
7-14 Atherosclerosis Risk Factors
7-15 Metabolic Syndrome
7-16 Mechanisms of Action of Lipid-Lowering Agents
7-17 Treatment of Hyperlipidemia
7-18 Absorption of Essential Vitamins
7-19 Vitamin B1 Deficiency: Beriberi
7-20 Vitamin B3 Deficiency: Pellagra
7-21 Vitamin C Deficiency: Scurvy
7-22 Vitamin A Deficiency
7-23 Celiac Disease and Malabsorption
7-24 Lysosomal Storage Disorders: Sphingolipidoses
7-25 Anorexia Nervosa
7-26 Obesity
7-27 Surgical Treatment Options for Obesity
Section 8 Genetics and Endocrine Neoplasia
8-1 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
8-2 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2
8-3 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 (cont’d)
8-4 Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome
8-5 Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (von Recklinghausen Disease)
8-6 Clinical Manifestations of Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome Type 1
8-7 Carcinoid Syndrome
Glossary of Abbreviations