Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 12th Edition Revised Reprint with 2021-2023 NANDA-I® Updates - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 12th Edition
- Step-by-step instructions show how to use the Guide to Nursing Diagnoses and Guide to Planning Care sections to create a unique, individualized plan of care.
- UNIQUE! Care plans are provided for NANDA-I© approved nursing diagnoses.
- Evidence-based interventions and rationales include recent or classic research and references supporting the use of each intervention.
- Examples of and suggested NIC interventions and NOC outcomes are presented in each care plan.
- 150 NCLEX® exam-style review questions are available on the Evolve website.
- Easy-to-follow Sections I and II guide you through the nursing process and selection of appropriate nursing diagnoses.
- Clear, concise interventions are usually only a sentence or two long and use no more than two references.
- Safety content emphasizes what must be considered to provide safe patient care.
- List of NANDA-I© Diagnoses on the inside front cover of the book provides quick reference to page numbers.
- Alphabetical thumb tabs allow quick access to specific symptoms and nursing diagnoses.
- Appendixes provide valuable information in an easy-to-access location.
Publication Date :
- Step-by-step instructions show how to use the Guide to Nursing Diagnoses and Guide to Planning Care sections to create a unique, individualized plan of care.
- UNIQUE! Care plans are provided for NANDA-I© approved nursing diagnoses.
- Evidence-based interventions and rationales include recent or classic research and references supporting the use of each intervention.
- Examples of and suggested NIC interventions and NOC outcomes are presented in each care plan.
- 150 NCLEX® exam-style review questions are available on the Evolve website.
- Easy-to-follow Sections I and II guide you through the nursing process and selection of appropriate nursing diagnoses.
- Clear, concise interventions are usually only a sentence or two long and use no more than two references.
- Safety content emphasizes what must be considered to provide safe patient care.
- List of NANDA-I© Diagnoses on the inside front cover of the book provides quick reference to page numbers.
- Alphabetical thumb tabs allow quick access to specific symptoms and nursing diagnoses.
- Appendixes provide valuable information in an easy-to-access location.
Key Features
- Step-by-step instructions show how to use the Guide to Nursing Diagnoses and Guide to Planning Care sections to create a unique, individualized plan of care.
- UNIQUE! Care plans are provided for NANDA-I© approved nursing diagnoses.
- Evidence-based interventions and rationales include recent or classic research and references supporting the use of each intervention.
- Examples of and suggested NIC interventions and NOC outcomes are presented in each care plan.
- 150 NCLEX® exam-style review questions are available on the Evolve website.
- Easy-to-follow Sections I and II guide you through the nursing process and selection of appropriate nursing diagnoses.
- Clear, concise interventions are usually only a sentence or two long and use no more than two references.
- Safety content emphasizes what must be considered to provide safe patient care.
- List of NANDA-I© Diagnoses on the inside front cover of the book provides quick reference to page numbers.
- Alphabetical thumb tabs allow quick access to specific symptoms and nursing diagnoses.
- Appendixes provide valuable information in an easy-to-access location.
Author Information
By Betty J. Ackley, MSN, EdS, RN, Professor Emeritus, Jackson Community College; President, The Betty Ackley LLC, Jackson, MI; Gail B. Ladwig, MSN, RN, Professor Emeritus, Jackson Community College; Co-Owner and Nursing Consultant, Holistic Choices; Healing Touch Practitioner, Jackson, MI; Mary Beth Flynn Makic, PhD, RN, CCNS, CCRN, FAAN, FNAP, FCNS, Professor, University of Colorado College of Nursing, Aurora, Colorado; Nurse Scientist, Denver Health, Denver, Colorado; Marina Reyna Martinez-Kratz, MS, RN, CNE, Professor of Nursing
Jackson College and Melody Zanotti