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Nursing Today, 11th Edition

Author :
Edited by JoAnn Zerwekh, EdD, MSN, RN and Ashley Zerwekh Garneau, PhD, RN
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New to this edition
  • NEW! NCLEX-RN® Exam and the New Graduate chapter outlines the Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) Project and explains the different types of NGN test items that will be on the 2023 NGN exam, and includes an NGN NCLEX exam-style case study showcasing the six cognitive skills in the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (NCJMN).
  • NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) examination-style questions build your clinical judgment and decision-making skills.
  • NEW! Impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic is described as it relates to nursing education and practice.
  • NEW! Cultural and Spiritual Awareness chapter is expanded with a focus on social determinants of health (SDOH) and strategies for building cultural and linguistic competency skills and practicing cultural sensitivity in the workplace setting.
  • UPDATED! Personal Management chapter includes new information about incorporating mindfulness and building resiliency into your practice, as well as several mindfulness and resiliency exercises that you can begin practicing right now!
  • UPDATED! Employment Considerations: Opportunities, Resumes, and Interviewing chapter offers additional tips for responding to questions during an in-person, phone, or virtual job interview.
  • UPDATED! Conflict Management chapter adds more content about sexual harassment and strategies for resolving conflict both personally and professionally.
  • UPDATED! Workplace Issues chapter is expanded to include bullying, incivility, and safe patient handling.
  • UPDATED! Nursing Informatics chapter includes new information on the next generation of health care delivery with topics such as patient engagement, robotics, and artificial intelligence.
  • UPDATED! Nursing Education chapter adds new information about the nursing demographic profile and the nursing shortage.

Author Information
Edited by JoAnn Zerwekh, EdD, MSN, RN, President/CEO, Nursing Education Consultants, Inc., Chandler, Arizona, USA and Ashley Zerwekh Garneau, PhD, RN, Nursing Faculty, Department of Nursing, GateWay Community College, Phoenix, Arizona, USA