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Edited by May C. M. Pian-Smith, MD, MS, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA and Rebecca D. Minehart, MD, MSHPED, Rebecca D. Minehart
Obstetrical Hemorrhage
Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement in the Labor and Delivery Setting
Emergency Resources in Obstetrics
Updates on Simulation in Obstetrical Anesthesiology Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Escalating Care on Labor and Delivery
Postpartum Respiratory Depression
Preeclampsia in 2021—a Perioperative Medical Challenge for the Anesthesiologist
Neuraxial Techniques for Parturients with Thromboprophylaxis or Thrombocytopenia
Enhanced Recovery after Surgery: Cesarean Delivery
Caring for Parturients with Substance Use Disorders
Trauma-Informed Care on Labor and Delivery
Decision Making in Obstetric Anesthesia
Point of Care Ultrasound on Labor and Delivery
Ethics in the Labor and Delivery Unit
Neurocognitive Effects of Fetal Exposure to Anesthesia