Osteopathy, 1st Edition
This book is a textbook of basic osteopathic concepts, working from first principles underpinned by anatomy and physiology. This text will synthesize and integrate osteopathic models in an easy-to-understand way, a subject often daunting to students and confusing to graduates.. Composed of four sections, the first is a discussion of basic principles, the second focusses on models and diagnosis of treatment which is followed by anatomical, neurophysiological and osteopathic considerations. The last section describes clinical case-studies to enable students to put into practice the theories and models which they have learned.This book is essential reading for all osteopathic BSc degree courses and a core textbook for undergraduate students.
Publication Date :
This book is a textbook of basic osteopathic concepts, working from first principles underpinned by anatomy and physiology. This text will synthesize and integrate osteopathic models in an easy-to-understand way, a subject often daunting to students and confusing to graduates.. Composed of four sections, the first is a discussion of basic principles, the second focusses on models and diagnosis of treatment which is followed by anatomical, neurophysiological and osteopathic considerations. The last section describes clinical case-studies to enable students to put into practice the theories and models which they have learned.This book is essential reading for all osteopathic BSc degree courses and a core textbook for undergraduate students.
Key Features
- At the end of each section there will be clinical examples for students to work on to integrate previous knowledge.
- Key point boxes.
Author Information
By Jon Parsons, DO, PGCE, Osteopathy practitioner, Bower Mount Clinic, Kent; Senior Lecturer and Senior Clinical Tutor, European School of Osteopathy; Visiting lecturer at various international osteopathic colleges; External examiner for University of Westminster MSc Bodyworks course, UK and Nicholas Marcer, DO, Practicing Osteopath in Switzerland