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Pocket Guide to Clinical Examination, 4th Edition

Author :
By Owen Epstein, MB, BCh, FRCP, G. David Perkin, BA, MB, FRCP BA, MB, FRCP, John Cookson, MD, FRCP, Ian S. Watt, BSc, MB, ChB, MPH, FFPH, Roby Rakhit, BSc, MD, FRCP, Andrew W. Robins, MB, MSc, MRCP, FRCHCH and Graham A. W. Hornett, BA, MA, MB, BChir, FRCGP
This handy, well illustrated guide covers all aspects of patient examination. Carry this practical text with you so you can review the questions you should include as part of your history taking, the examination techniques you should use for differen ...view more
This handy, well illustrated guide covers all aspects of patient examination. Carry this practical text with you so you can review the questions you should include as part of your history taking, the examination techniques you should use for different body systems and the presenting signs of common disorders. The new fourth edition includes over 130 colour illustrations as well as text boxes to aid revision and help in daily clinical duties.
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This handy, well illustrated guide covers all aspects of patient examination. Carry this practical text with you so you can review the questions you should include as part of your history taking, the examination techniques you should use for different body systems and the presenting signs of common disorders. The new fourth edition includes over 130 colour illustrations as well as text boxes to aid revision and help in daily clinical duties.

New to this edition
• Fully updated in line with the accompanying textbook Clinical Examination
• Increased emphasis on patient communication, especially in the general practice setting
• Two new authors join the team bringing additional expertise to the Pocket Guide

Key Features
  • The history-taking and examination coverage will be invaluable to students faced with real-life patients for the first time by highlighting the most things to remember
  • The signs & symptoms sections describe the most important diseases associated with each body system
  • The various icon boxes highlight and summarise information on a range of issues relevant to history and examination: the elderly, emergency situations, Questions to Ask, etc
  • Colour photographs depict the clinical manifestations as they present in real-life and ‘real-life’ examination techniques
  • Colour diagrams clarify examination technique

Author Information
By Owen Epstein, MB, BCh, FRCP, Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK; G. David Perkin, BA, MB, FRCP BA, MB, FRCP, Consultant Neurologist, Charing Cross and HIllingdon Hospitals, London, UK Emeritus Consultant Neurologist, Charing Cross and HIllingdon Hospitals, London, UK; John Cookson, MD, FRCP, Dean of the Undergraduate School, Hull and York Medical School, University of York, York, UK; Ian S. Watt, BSc, MB, ChB, MPH, FFPH, Professor of Primary Care, Hull and York Medical School, University of York, York, UK; Roby Rakhit, BSc, MD, FRCP, Consultant Cardiologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK; Andrew W. Robins, MB, MSc, MRCP, FRCHCH, Consultant Paediatrician, Whittington Hospital NHS Trust, London UK and Graham A. W. Hornett, BA, MA, MB, BChir, FRCGP, General Practitioner, Specialist in ENT, Surrey Primary Care Trust, Guildford, Surrey, UK