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Practice Knowledge & Expertise Health Prof, 1st Edition

Author :
By Joy Higgs, AM, PhD, MHPEd, BSc, PFHEA and Angie Titchen, DPhil(Oxon), MSc, MCSP
It provides the reader with a contemporary review examining the notion of practice knowledge gained from professional experience and its relationship to professional practice expertise.It is divided into four sections: the first broadly examines the ...view more
It provides the reader with a contemporary review examining the notion of practice knowledge gained from professional experience and its relationship to professional practice expertise.

It is divided into four sections: the first broadly examines the nature and forms of knowledge and the relationships between knowledge and practice; the second considers the nature of professional expertise; the third explores these principles in action and the fourth looks at future developments.

An essential purchase for all students, educators, researchers and practitioners of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing and indeed all those in the health sciences field.

An essential purchase for all students, educators, researchers and practitioners of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing and indeed all those in the health sciences field.
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It provides the reader with a contemporary review examining the notion of practice knowledge gained from professional experience and its relationship to professional practice expertise.

It is divided into four sections: the first broadly examines the nature and forms of knowledge and the relationships between knowledge and practice; the second considers the nature of professional expertise; the third explores these principles in action and the fourth looks at future developments.

An essential purchase for all students, educators, researchers and practitioners of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing and indeed all those in the health sciences field.

An essential purchase for all students, educators, researchers and practitioners of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing and indeed all those in the health sciences field.

Key Features
* Brings the modern practitioner completely up to date with trends and developments in the field
* Relates theoretical examples to professional practice
* Explores how professional knowledge and expertise can be developed

Author Information
By Joy Higgs, AM, PhD, MHPEd, BSc, PFHEA, Emeritus Professor in Higher Education Charles Sturt University Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Angie Titchen, DPhil(Oxon), MSc, MCSP, Senior Research and Development Fellow, Royal College of Nursing Institute, Oxford, UK and Honorary Research Associate, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia