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Principles and Practice of Surgery E-Book, 7th Edition

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Edited by O. James Garden and Rowan W Parks
Principles and Practice of Surgery is the surgical companion textbook to the international medical bestseller Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. It is a comprehensive textbook for both the surgical student and trainee, guiding the read ...view more

Principles and Practice of Surgery is the surgical companion textbook to the international medical bestseller Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. It is a comprehensive textbook for both the surgical student and trainee, guiding the reader through key core surgical topics which are encountered throughout an integrated medical curriculum as well as in subsequent clinical practice. Although sharing the same format and style as Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine, this text is complete in itself, thus enabling the student to appreciate both the medical and surgical implications of diseases encountered in surgical wards.

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Principles and Practice of Surgery is the surgical companion textbook to the international medical bestseller Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. It is a comprehensive textbook for both the surgical student and trainee, guiding the reader through key core surgical topics which are encountered throughout an integrated medical curriculum as well as in subsequent clinical practice. Although sharing the same format and style as Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine, this text is complete in itself, thus enabling the student to appreciate both the medical and surgical implications of diseases encountered in surgical wards.

New to this edition
  • A new chapter on Evidence-based practice and professional development.
  • An expanded chapter on Surgical preparation includes an account of the main issues surrounding day case surgery.
  • A new International Advisory Board based in India, South Africa, South-east Asia and Europe has advised throughout on the structure and content of the book.
  • Consequently the text has been updated to reflect changes in understanding, evidence and practice, and to keep the contents in line with undergraduate and postgraduate surgical curricula
  • The evidence-based revision boxes that focus on major international guidelines have been thoroughly updated.
  • The text on tropical conditions such as tropical pancreatitis, tuberculosis affecting the various organ systems and filarial lymphoedema has been expanded.
  • Innovations useful in the practice of surgery in resource-poor environments have been included.
  • The text gives a global emphasis on epidemiological and cultural issues such as problems associated with directed transfusion of blood products from first degree relatives, the issues of informed consent and patient autonomy.
  • A comparison of SI and non-SI reference ranges for commonly used laboratory values has been added.

Key Features
  • A three-section textbook of surgical principles and regional clinical surgery.
  • The textbook presents a comprehensive account of international surgical practice, taking into account variations in the disease patterns and management approaches throughout the world.
  • Superbly presented with line drawings, high quality radiographic images and colour photographs.
  • Presented in similar form to its sister textbook Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine.
  • Full online and ebook version available as part of Student Consult.

Author Information
Edited by O. James Garden, Professor Emeritus, Clinical Surgery, Director, Edinburgh Surgery Online, University of Edinburgh, UK and Rowan W Parks, Professor of Surgical Sciences, Clinical Surgery, University of Edinburgh, Honorary Consultant Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic SurgeonRoyal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK