Diagnose and treat bovine diseases in cattle with Rebhun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle, 3rd Edition — your all-in-one guide to bovine disease management. Organized by body system for quick, convenient reference, this complete resource equips practit
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Diagnose and treat bovine diseases in cattle with Rebhun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle, 3rd Edition — your all-in-one guide to bovine disease management. Organized by body system for quick, convenient reference, this complete resource equips practitioners and students with the knowledge needed to confidently diagnose, treat, and prevent bovine disease. All chapters are updated from the previous edition to reflect the most up-to-date diagnostics and therapeutics, including revised drug usage considerations. An entirely new chapter for this third edition provides easy-to-read, but detailed information on diagnostic laboratory sample submission so that you will know what tests are available and the proper samples to submit. Another entirely new chapter focuses on diseases of the bull. More color photographs and illustrations are provided so that clinical signs and pathology of the diseases and diagnostic procedures commonly used in practice can be visualized. With expanded coverage of herd diseases, this new edition meets the growing need for management of both diseases of individual cows and medical problems affecting whole herds.
Diagnose and treat bovine diseases in cattle with Rebhun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle, 3rd Edition — your all-in-one guide to bovine disease management. Organized by body system for quick, convenient reference, this complete resource equips practitioners and students with the knowledge needed to confidently diagnose, treat, and prevent bovine disease. All chapters are updated from the previous edition to reflect the most up-to-date diagnostics and therapeutics, including revised drug usage considerations. An entirely new chapter for this third edition provides easy-to-read, but detailed information on diagnostic laboratory sample submission so that you will know what tests are available and the proper samples to submit. Another entirely new chapter focuses on diseases of the bull. More color photographs and illustrations are provided so that clinical signs and pathology of the diseases and diagnostic procedures commonly used in practice can be visualized. With expanded coverage of herd diseases, this new edition meets the growing need for management of both diseases of individual cows and medical problems affecting whole herds.
New to this edition
NEW! All-new chapter covering diseases specific to or common in the dairy bull
offers valuable new content that makes this the most comprehensive resource for veterinary students and practitioners.
NEW!A companion website, hosted by Cornell University with more than 60 neurologic, ultrasound, and endoscopic case study videos, illustrates key concepts discussed throughout the book and brings to life a variety of techniques that are more easily visualized than described in print.
UPDATED! Expanded coverage of herd health features diseases of individual cows, as well as problems affecting entire herds, that challenge today’s large animal veterinarians.
NEW! Emphasis on herd health addresses the dairy industry's increased concern over population medicine.
UPDATED! Revised drug usage recommendations and legal considerations present the most current information in these critical areas to help you prevent dangerous or costly errors.
Key Features
Practical overviews for procedures
such as blood transfusion, abdominal paracentesis, and ECG give you reliable support for some of the most common procedures in bovine care.
A logical and user-friendly body systems organization makes diagnosis easier and more effective by isolating system-specific diseases and conditions.
Additional public health/safety considerations identify diseases that pose a substantial public threat and detail special measures for related care of dairy cattle.
Addresses the latest treatment innovations, including: antibiotic residue testing, care of individual metabolic disease, troubleshooting, and much more.
Expanded, up-to-date coverage of public health/food safety considerations for practitioners helps to prevent dangerous and costly errors.
Current legal and practical considerations for extra label medications are outlined, and all recommendations for drug usage have been revised according to federal guideline changes, to help ensure that you are familiar with the latest evidence-based guidelines.
Author Information
By Simon F. Peek, BVSc, MRCVS, PhD, DACVIM, Clinical Professor of Large Animal Internal Medicine, Theriogenology, and Infectious Diseases School of Veterinary Medicine University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin, USA and Thomas J. Divers, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC, Professor, Large Animal Medicine,Department of Clinical Studies,Cornell University,Ithaca, New York
By Simon F. Peek, BVSc, MRCVS, PhD, DACVIM, Clinical Professor of Large Animal Internal Medicine, Theriogenology, and Infectious Diseases School of Veterinary Medicine University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin, USA and Thomas J. Divers, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC, Professor, Large Animal Medicine,Department of Clinical Studies,Cornell University,Ithaca, New York
Part One: Examination and Assessment 1. The Clinical Examination 2. Therapeutics and Routine Procedures Part Two: Diseases of Body Systems 3. Cardiovascular Diseases 4. Respiratory Diseases 5. Noninfectious Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract 6. Infectious Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract 7. Skin Diseases 8. Diseases of the Teats and Udder 9. Reproductive Diseases 10. Diseases Specific to or Common in the Dairy Bull 11. Urinary Tract Diseases 12. Musculoskeletal Diseases 13. Neurologic Diseases 14. Ocular Diseases 15. Metabolic Diseases 16. Miscellaneous Infectious Diseases 17. Miscellaneous Toxicities and Deficiencies
https://www.asia.elsevierhealth.com/rebhuns-diseases-of-dairy-cattle-elsevier-ebook-on-vitalsource-9780323396592.html319260Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle – Elsevier eBook on VitalSourcehttps://www.asia.elsevierhealth.com/media/catalog/product/https://www.asia.elsevierhealth.com/media/catalog/product/placeholder/default/generic_item_image_123x160_1_1.png136.79151.99USDInStock/Veterinary/Large Animal/Veterinary/Veterinary Medicine/Veterinary/Veterinary Science/Veterinary/Large Animal/Veterinary/Veterinary Medicine/Veterinary/Veterinary Science/eBooks/eBooks4335159433509743350995054637505456350545654388724505466514182692433509648865365054562<p>Diagnose and treat bovine diseases in cattle with <b>Rebhun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle, 3rd Edition </b>— your all-in-one guide to bovine disease management. Organized by body system for quick, convenient reference, this complete resource equips practitioners and students with the knowledge needed to confidently diagnose, treat, and prevent bovine disease. All chapters are updated from the previous edition to reflect the most up-to-date diagnostics and therapeutics, including revised drug usage considerations. An entirely new chapter for this third edition provides easy-to-read, but detailed information on diagnostic laboratory sample submission so that you will know what tests are available and the proper samples to submit. Another entirely new chapter focuses on diseases of the bull. More color photographs and illustrations are provided so that clinical signs and pathology of the diseases and diagnostic procedures commonly used in practice can be visualized. With expanded coverage of herd diseases, this new edition meets the growing need for management of both diseases of individual cows and medical problems affecting whole herds.</p> <p>Diagnose and treat bovine diseases in cattle with <b>Rebhun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle, 3rd Edition </b>— your all-in-one guide to bovine disease management. Organized by body system for quick, convenient reference, this complete resource equips practitioners and students with the knowledge needed to confidently diagnose, treat, and prevent bovine disease. All chapters are updated from the previous edition to reflect the most up-to-date diagnostics and therapeutics, including revised drug usage considerations. An entirely new chapter for this third edition provides easy-to-read, but detailed information on diagnostic laboratory sample submission so that you will know what tests are available and the proper samples to submit. Another entirely new chapter focuses on diseases of the bull. More color photographs and illustrations are provided so that clinical signs and pathology of the diseases and diagnostic procedures commonly used in practice can be visualized. With expanded coverage of herd diseases, this new edition meets the growing need for management of both diseases of individual cows and medical problems affecting whole herds.</p>00add-to-cart97803233965922018ProfessionalBy Simon F. Peek, BVSc, MRCVS, PhD, DACVIM and Thomas J. Divers, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC20183E-BookOtherSaunders0Apr 13, 2018IN STOCKBy <STRONG>Simon F. Peek</STRONG>, BVSc, MRCVS, PhD, DACVIM, Clinical Professor of Large Animal Internal Medicine, Theriogenology, and Infectious Diseases School of Veterinary Medicine University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin, USA and <STRONG>Thomas J. Divers</STRONG>, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC, Professor, Large Animal Medicine,Department of Clinical Studies,Cornell University,Ithaca, New YorkeBooksE-BookUnited StatesYesYesNoNoPlease SelectPlease SelectPlease Select