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Skin Cancer, An Issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, 1st Edition

Author :
By Patrick Byrne, BMedSci, MB BCh BAO, DCH, DRCOG, MRCSEd, FRCP Edin, FRCP, FRCGP, PG Dip Med Ed.
Topics include: Evaluation and initial management of the patient with facial skin cancer; Nonmelanomatous skin cancer; Mohs, Malignant melanoma; Local flaps – bilobed, rhombic, forehead, melolabial; Options for the management of scalp defects; Defe ...view more
Topics include: Evaluation and initial management of the patient with facial skin cancer; Nonmelanomatous skin cancer; Mohs, Malignant melanoma; Local flaps – bilobed, rhombic, forehead, melolabial; Options for the management of scalp defects; Defects of the nose; Eyelid defects; Ear defects; Defects of the lips; Cheek defects; Secondary procedures to improve flap appearance.
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Topics include: Evaluation and initial management of the patient with facial skin cancer; Nonmelanomatous skin cancer; Mohs, Malignant melanoma; Local flaps – bilobed, rhombic, forehead, melolabial; Options for the management of scalp defects; Defects of the nose; Eyelid defects; Ear defects; Defects of the lips; Cheek defects; Secondary procedures to improve flap appearance.

Author Information
By Patrick Byrne, BMedSci, MB BCh BAO, DCH, DRCOG, MRCSEd, FRCP Edin, FRCP, FRCGP, PG Dip Med Ed., Consultant Physician (General Internal Medicine) and a GP working in Fort William