The Child with Cancer, 1st Edition
This excellent research based textbook addresses nursing care issues rather than disease processes and therefore looks at issues such as discharge planning, adolescents and cancer, coping strategies for family and staff. It concentrates on the psychological and social aspects of care and reflects the radical changes that have occurred in recent years in thisfield. These include better survival rates in childhood cancer, advanced therapies, the move to community based care and increasing awareness of the long term effects of treatment.All post-graduate nurses working with children with cancer, whether in a community or hospital setting will find this text invaluable. It will equally benefit post-graduate nurses studying professional and academic specialist courses such as the ENB 240 paediatric oncology course or those who are already qualified paediatric oncology nurses but who need to keep themselves updated or need a reference in this area.
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This excellent research based textbook addresses nursing care issues rather than disease processes and therefore looks at issues such as discharge planning, adolescents and cancer, coping strategies for family and staff. It concentrates on the psychological and social aspects of care and reflects the radical changes that have occurred in recent years in thisfield. These include better survival rates in childhood cancer, advanced therapies, the move to community based care and increasing awareness of the long term effects of treatment.All post-graduate nurses working with children with cancer, whether in a community or hospital setting will find this text invaluable. It will equally benefit post-graduate nurses studying professional and academic specialist courses such as the ENB 240 paediatric oncology course or those who are already qualified paediatric oncology nurses but who need to keep themselves updated or need a reference in this area.
Key Features
Author Information
By Helen Langton, RGN, RSCN, BA(Hons), Head of School (Child Nursing), Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK