New to this edition
- NEW! Expanded coverage of inpatient insurance billing, including ICD-10 coding and CMS
provides you with the foundation and skills needed to work in the physician office, outpatient, and inpatient setting.
- NEW! Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) billing chapter provides you with the foundation and skills needed to work in this outpatient setting.
- NEW! Updated information on general compliance issues, HIPAA, Affordable Care Act and coding reflects changes to the main text.
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By Linda M. Smith, CPC, CPC-1, CEMC, CMBS, Training and Consulting, MedOffice Resources, Greene, NY, USA
Unit One: Career Role and Responsibilities
1. Role of an Insurance Billing Specialist
2. Privacy, Security and HIPAA
3. Compliance, Fraud and Abuse
Unit Two: Introduction to the Revenue Cycle Process
4. Basics of Health Insurance
5. The Blue Plans, Private Insurance, and Managed Care Plans
6. Medicare
7. Medicaid and other State Programs
8. Tricare and Veterans’ Health Care
9. Workers’ Compensation
10. Disability Income Insurance and Disability Benefit Programs
Unit Three: Documentation and Coding
11. Medical Documentation and the Electronic Health Record
12. Diagnostic Coding
13. Procedural Coding
Unit Four: Claims Submission in The Medical Office
14. The Paper Claim CMS-1500
15. The Electronic Claim
Unit Five: The Claim Follow Up and Payment Process
16. Receiving Payments and Insurance Problem Solving
17. Office and Insurance Collection Strategies
Unit Six: Healthcare Facility Billing
18. Ambulatory Surgical Center
19. Hospital Outpatient and Inpatient Billing
Unit Seven: Employment
20. Seeking a Job and Attaining Professional Advancement